
Clothing that can track biometrics and performance data

By integrating technology into clothing we can visualize our exercise performance, and track important health information. This prototype clothing provides real-time feedback to its wearer on how well they are performing their current exercise task. The design integrates flex sensors into key areas of clothing. It can read the position of our body and determine the quality of your exercise. It keeps track of the number of reps the wearer has completed. The heart-rate monitor keeps track of calories burned and cardiovascular health. Combining this data provides the wearer with an overall performance score. Individual LED’s are connected to the flex sensor, giving the wearer instant visual feedback on the quality of their exercise.

Role: Lead Designer

Deliverables: Product vision deck, use case scenario video, proof of concept prototype,

Year: 2015

Proof of concept prototype

Using an arduino lilypad, flex sensors, RGB LEDs, and a OLED display I created a shirt that can track their workout and also give users real-time visual feedback on their performance/form.

The LED’s change color based on the quality of excersize you are performing. For example, if doing curls, the light will turn green when you have completed a full rep.